We are flavors!



The manjuba, pititinga, ginga or manjubinha (Anchoviella lepidentostole), sometimes confused with the freshwater piaba, which is a fish that inhabits the most superficial areas of tropical freshwater rivers. It reaches a maximum of about 12 cm in length.

Manjubas live in salt water and are found along the coast of Brazil, with a short life of 3 years and 4 months, starting their reproduction cycle after 1 year of life. Like most fish, they have scales on their skin and glands that produce a sort of mucus. This mucus facilitates the fish's glide in the water and protects your body against the entry of microorganisms.

Removed the entrails, breaded with wheat flour and often with manioc flour, it is fried and enjoyed with a very cold beer! This dish is present in practically the entire coastline of the State of Espírito Santo, classified as one of the dishes that you cannot miss!